The Ultimate Ecommerce Funnel Guide
Understand Clickfunnels vs Shopify Sales Funnels, Free Plus Shipping Funnels,and Amazon Funnels
Shopify Sales Funnels
In our Shopify guest post 'Why Every Shopify Store Needs a Marketing & Sales Funnel' we were able to create an upsell funnel in Clickfunnels using their #yes-link / #no-link approach. The selected products were then dropped directly into the Shopify checkout using permalinks to preload the cart:
This worked pretty well however there been some recent developments regarding integrations with Shopify from the biggest landing page and funnel platforms as well as new players onto the market.

Let’s take a look.

Shopify Landing Pages
Clickfunnels and Shopify
Clickfunnels have their Zapier integration and one of the zaps is Clickfunnels + Shopify.
Our clickfunnels review talks about all 3 parts plus integrations, the clickfunnels marketplace and their support.
The trigger we are interested in is ‘New Purchase’ in Clickfunnels and the corresponding action is to setup a ‘New Customer’ in Shopify.

To get this to work you need to have both First Name and Last Name on your Clickfunnels order form as these are required fields in Shopify to set up a new customer. This means you can’t use the standard Clickfunnels ‘Order 2 Step’ element, instead we had to manually add and customize the input fields on our clickfunnels order page:

Amazon Sales Funnels
There is a huge opportunity building up and selling Amazon FBA businesses right now. Many more are being listed on mainstream marketplaces such as (who recently wrote this excellent guide on the FBA business model) and there is even a dedicated FBA broker.

There is also a big risk with only having Amazon as your only sales channel and traffic source and many FBA businesses are looking to diversify through building their own shopify stores and funnels.

The issue with Amazon is that they own your customers. Sure you can follow up by messaging people who purchased your product through the platform but you can’t market to them and build you own list.

It’s a good idea to diversify traffic sources and build your own list. It doesn’t make sense to send traffic straight to your Amazon page as you can’t measure the effectiveness of your ad spend as obviously cannot put conversion tracking code on Amazon.

What you can do is create a marketing funnel that builds a customer list, increases your sales velocity on Amazon and generates product reviews on your listing. All of this increases the likelihood of your product being found by other people.
Amazon Coupon Funnel
You can do this through offering an Amazon Coupon Funnel which offers a discount in exchange for their email and a product review.

The funnel stacks up like this:

Facebook > Coupon Optin > Instruction Page > Amazon Product Page > Follow up for review

You are then able to follow up with people through:

A Facebook retargeting pixel on the coupon optin page to target those who didn’t hit the conversion pixel on the offer page
Your autoresponder with content and offers to your other products.
Be careful with those promotion codes – make sure you limit use to one redemption per customer buyer accoun and make sure they do not show on the product detail page like what happened to one guy who lost $45k in a day.
Amazon PPC Funnel
We’ve ALSO created a new AMZ optin funnel that will work great for PPC where you’re sending external traffic from Facebook to your listing to increase sales velocity through cheap clicks. The funnel enables you to capture your customer’s email before they head to Amazon where you will never receive their email!

Free + Shipping Funnel
After watching episode 2 of where Russell Brunson, the founder of clickfunnels (the software we use for all our sales funnels), interviewed Trey Lewellen about his free plus shipping funnels I had to give this a go. Trey is making over $100,000 a month with over 3000 people in a $39 continuity program (and aiming for $400k/m).
I started thinking about which products I could give away where the shipping we would charge would cover the cost of purchasing the product. I went back to my Four Hour Work Week style whiteboard of different communities I’m a member of and chose the ski market.

I then started looking at ski magazines and the accessories section on online retailer websites to try and find a suitable product and thought that ski wax seemed like a good play. I’d attended the London ski show a couple of years back and met the founder of the ski wax company Butta and emailed to get trade prices. I chose their ‘rub on’ wax product as anyone could use it (their other ones you need to use an iron and it’s more for hardcore enthusiasts).
I then started thinking how the funnel could be structured and thought about which product I could use to get people into a continuity program and what I could use for the final upsell.

Butta also make plastic wax scrapers which are very cheap to purchase and I thought this would be an excellent complementary product to the initial offer. “Wax on, scrape off” made a lot of sense in my head and remember I’m a skier and snowboarder and a member of this community.
Butta also had a ‘wax service kit’ for £30 retail which I thought would be a great final upsell (below):

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